Eileen Zorn is an innovative, heart-based leader known for her compassion and her commitment to service. She creates evolutionary space for leaders in healthcare to transform their organizations into healing environments for patients, families, and staff. She works with all levels of the organization in order to achieve sustainable change and full integration of values. Her pioneering work in creating space for the sacred within organizations has contributed to remarkable organizational re-formation. She helps organizations and individuals remember their roots and recreate their futures based on the sacred service they were created to contribute to the world.
Eileen is the founder of the Zorn Consulting Network, which is a collaborative organization of like-minded consultant partners committed to supporting the transformational healing of healthcare and caregivers alike.
Eileen is an executive coach focusing on work with individuals committed to re-discovery, re-creation, re-newal, re-membering, re-forming. Eileen loves the intimacy that the 1:1 coaching role creates and knows how to support the space needed for a soul to rediscover true potential…She offers 3 day intensive sessions at Grace’s House with clients who wish to deepen their spiritual connection to their Creator.
Eileen creates workshops for groups focusing on Finding Corporate Heart, Renewal, Sacred Work, Remembering Why, Rediscovering Meaning
Eileen is the creator of the Wisdom Circle of Grace, a Circle of diverse professionals committed to spiritual exploration of diverse traditions as well as deep inner awareness of the Spirit filled life. This “Hub” Circle has birthed other Circles that are focusing on the challenges of young adulthood, re-finding meaning in medicine and integrating the sacred into work.
Eileen Zorn has a Master’s Degree in Nursing. She has completed the initial fellowship and advanced fellowship in Intuition at the Kaiser Institute.
Eileen is an author of a book on Pulmonary Rehabilitation and innovative articles on the use of Creative Imaging in Visioning the Future of Healthcare. She is currently serving as a Hospital Trustee. She also serves on the Governing Board of a two county Health Maintenance Organization in Southern California that is committed to embracing the health of the poor and underserved.
Eileen’s previous lifework was in HealthCare Administration where she developed patient-centered care delivery systems, healing environments, quaternary care level clinical subspecialty programs and centers of excellence, advanced clinical practice models, transformation to servant leadership, etc.
Eileen is committed to her own spiritual growth and finds great joy in connecting with like-minded souls on the journey. She is particularly drawn to exploring further expression through the creative arts and its role in personal and organizational transformation and evolution.
Eileen is a wife, a nurse, a mother, a mentor and a mentee…
Eileen loves to work with the energies of harmony, hope, radiance, balance, synthesis and reconciliation.
10 Areas of Expertise:
- Executive & Life Coaching for Major Lifework Transition and Redesign
- Organizational Wisdom Cultures
- Building Organizational Integration and Innovation through the Use of Wisdom Circles
- Incorporating Spirituality in the Workplace – Sacred Work
- Staff Renewal Retreats – Rediscovering Meaning in Work
- Personal Soul Unfoldment Plans – Opening to a Fuller Expression of Yourself
- Wisdom of the Heart – Wholeheartedness
- Creating and Sustaining Connection
- Building Generous Cultures
- Evoking the Soul of the Organization